Select list of recent publications on migration
The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects. What Will Migration Look Like in 2045? Palgrave/ Macmillan, Houndmills, England/New York. (2012). |
The Global Economic Crisis and Migration: Where Do we go from Here? IOM/ The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration. Geneva/ The Hague (2010); |
The Human Rights and Migration: The Missing Link. University of Utrecht/ The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration, Utrecht/The Hague (2008); |
Myths, Rhetoric and Realities: Migrants' Remittances and Development IOM/ The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration. Geneva/he Hague (2006); |
Elusive Protection, Uncertain Lands: Migrants’ Access to Human Rights, IOM, Geneva, (2003); |
Managing Migration: Time for a New International Regime? Editor/ co-author, Oxford University Press, England (2000). |
Return Migration: Journey of Hope or Despair? (editor/co-author), United Nations/IOM, Geneva (2000); |
Huddled Masses and Uncertain Shores: Insights into Irregular Migration, IOM/ Kluwer Law International/ Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Geneva / The Hague (1988). |
Gains from Global Linkages: Trade in Services and Movement of Persons, Macmillan Press, St. .Martins Press, Houndmills, Hampshire, England/ New York (1987). |
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