
Select list of recent publications (1985-2015)



Migration, trade, human rights and development

The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects. What Will Migration Look Like in 2045?  Palgrave/ Macmillan, Houndmills, England/New York. (2012)

*The Crisis, Conflicts and the Future of Migration,  an enlarged  and revised edition of the above (forthcoming in summer 2015)

The Global Economic Crisis and Migration: Where Do we go from Here?  IOM/ The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration. Geneva/ The Hague (2010)

Human Rights and Migration: The Missing Link. University of Utrecht/ The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration, Utrecht/The Hague (2008)

Myths, Rhetoric and Realities: Migrants' Remittances and Development.  IOM/ The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration. Geneva/The Hague (2006) 

Elusive Protection, Uncertain Lands: Migrants’ Access to Human Rights, IOM, Geneva (2003).

Managing Migration: Time for a New International Regime? Editor/co-author, Oxford University Press, England (2000)

Return Migration: Journey of Hope or Despair? (editor/co-author), United Nations/IOM, Geneva (2000)

Huddled Masses and Uncertain Shores: Insights into Irregular Migration,   IOM/ Kluwer Law International/ Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Geneva/ The Hague (1988)

Gains from Global Linkages: Trade in Services and Movement of Persons, Macmillan Press, St. Martins Press, Houndmills, Hampshire, England/ New York (1987)


*Through the Eyes of My Mind: A Collection of Poems, Two Harbors Press, Minneapolis, USA, (2015)   

Papers and chapters

“The global economic crisis and governance of human mobility”, Background Paper for the World Migration Report 2010, IOM, Geneva (2010) 

“The global economic and financial crisis and migration governance,” Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 16(3) July 1210 

Harnessing diaspora resources: Local development and poverty alleviation in developing countries, Paper prepared for United Nations Experts Groups Meeting, New York, May 2008

“Managing migration: Whither the Missing Regime?” UNESCO, Paris (2005), in: Migration without Borders, UNESCO, Paris (2007). 

“Managing migration: Interstate cooperation at the global level.  Is the emergence of a new paradigm of partnership around the Corner?” in: Interstate cooperation and Migration, Berne Initiative Studies, Federal Office of Migration, Switzerland / IOM, Bern/Geneva (2005).  

“Economic effects of international migration: A synoptic overview” in World Migration Report, 2005, IOM, Geneva (2005).

“The Challenge of Integration: A global Perspective” in: Rita Sussmuth and Werner Weidenfeld (eds.), Managing Integration: The European Union’s Responsibilities towards Immigrants”, Bertelsmann Stiftung/ MPI, Washington D.C. (2005) 

Migration and development: Myths and realities: A receiving country perspective, Seventh lecture, 2003-2004 SID lecture series, Amsterdam, 15 March 2004  

 “The human rights of migrants: Strategies for moving forward”. Development, vol. 46, No.3 (September 2003)  

“A road strewn with stones: Migrants’ access to human rights”, International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP), Versoix, Switzerland (2003).

“La Gestion de las Migraciones en el Siglo XXI. Revista Migraciones, no. 12 .2002 

Managing migration in the 21st century, Keynote Address at the Sixth International Metropolis Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, November 2001.

“Managing migration in the new global age” in: Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson (eds.) Europe –One Labour Market? PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels, 2000

Migrants’ participation in the development of the country of origin: Issues and avenues, Statement as the Scientific Coordinator for  West African Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development, Dakar, Senegal. October 2000 

Challenges and opportunities of economic globalization: Some implications for labour, industry and social security.  Paper prepared for the ISSA World conference on Demographic Trends and Globalisation: Challenges for Social Security, Bratislava, Slovakia, October 1999                                                                                               

Challenges and opportunities of economic globalization: Some implications for labour, industry and nation- states. Paper prepared for the Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit Workshop,  Frankfort, Germany, April 1999.

The promise and pitfalls of return migration” in: International Migration, Development and Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999

 East-West migration: Trends and policy perspective, paper prepared for the Conference on “Europe: The New Melting Pot?” Nanovic Institute for European Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana. March 1998

“Magnitude, trends and dynamics of immigration into North America: The need for a global perspective—the contextual framework” included in: E.M. Ucarer and D.L. Puchala (eds.). Immigration into Western Societies. The European Community Studies Association, Pinter, London and Washington, 1997

Labour migration: Causes, conditions and consequences: An overview. Keynote paper prepared for the WAPES World Congress on Globalisation, Migration and Labour Market, Nuremberg, Germany, May 1997

“Migration and development: Some selected issues”, Paper presented at the Second Central American Regional Conference on Migration, Panama, March, 1997  

“Bevolkerungsbewegungen: Die Suche nach einem neuen internationalen Regime “in Steffen Angenendt (ed.), Migration und Flucht, Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 1997

“Economic migration and the sending countries” included in: Julien van den Broeck (ed.), The Economics of Labour Migration, Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK and Brookfield, USA (1996.)

Economic migration and its effects on sending countries, paper prepared for the Conference on financing of labour market policy and migration of labour, Cholpon–Ata, Kyrgyzstan, September 1995    

The Future of East-West Migration” in: The Politics of East-West Migration, Macmillan Press, Houndmills, Hampshire, England, 1994. 

L’immigration est un danger: immigration est une chance,” Le Temp Strategique no.5 February 1993 (also issued in German by the Swiss Federal Department Of Defence (1994) 

“Migratory Movements from Central and East European countries to Western Europe” in: People on the Move, Council of Europe, Strasbourg (1992)

“Migratory Movements from Central and East European countries to Western Europe” in: People on the Move, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, (1992).  

 “Migration and trade: Do the inter-linkages work? “ International Migration, no 3/4, 1992

Migration-development linkages: Some specific issues and practical policy measures, “International Migration, no 3/4, 1992

East-West migration: The European Perspective. Current trends and prospects beyond 1992, Paper prepared for the IOM/Greek Government Regional Seminar on Prospects of Migration in Europe Beyond 1992, Athens, Greece.  (October 1991)    

 “Trends in world migration: The European perspective”, The Courier. No.129 Brussels. (September-October, 1991)    

The immigrant tide,” European Affairs, no 6, December 1991 

Money can’t buy reform in East Europe.” European Affairs, Autumn, no. m3/1990

“Third World in the margin” ” European Affairs, Autumn, no.4/1989

“Movements of People: The Search for a New International Regime”, included in: Issues in Global Governance, The Commission on Global Governance/ Kluwer Law International, The Hague (1985).      

Newspaper Columns

Newspaper columns (around 100) on trade, aid, migration, development  and international relations- since 1987 mostly in the International Herald Tribune/The New York Times, Wall Street Journal  (Europe), and Journal de Genève and occasionally in The Washington Post, The Guardian, Financial Times, London, Le Temps, Geneva.

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